The lewis - Atkinson home

I have grown up attending Rosewood First Baptist Church where Mrs. Judy Lewis has been the Minister of Music and truly been a minister and poured her heart and soul into our community. Her late husband, Marshalle Lewis, played the organ at our church, until the latter years of his life, as well as took on many other responsibilities. Many times, over the years, my parents, Ms. Judy and Mr. Marshalle have met to pray…

Mrs. Judy continues to be a pillar in our community; known for her love and faithfulness. Her and Mr.Marshalle’s adult lives have been dedicated to raising their daughters, fixing up this historic mansion and growing our church.

This gorgeous place will now be known as The Lewis-Atkinson Home and honor their legacy in our community for years to come. The years of work she and Mr.Marshalle put into this home are evident from the time you pull up on the property. Even before you step in the door, when you drive onto the property, it is impossible to not feel a connection to the care, love and history of this home. Gorgeous stately porches, beautiful moldings, a large staircase coming down the center of the large open foyer and beautiful antique furniture make the home like no other. Their attention to detail in the restoring of this home were impeccable. I know Mrs.Judy will be so proud to see all the wonderful occasions that go on here in the future and hopefully even attend some events here!

Ms. Judy played the piano inside of Birdsong Chapel at our very first open house, the day we were hoping and praying people would show up to support us… She filled the woods with beautiful noise as over 500 guests arrived to support us! We kicked off the day with the TickTock trending (at the time) “Going to the chapel”…Enjoy the clip below…

I am so thankful Ms.Judy has been a part of all of this with us since the beginning and always a part of my family’s lives, ever since I can remember…

Mr. Marshalle had a love for gardening and fresh cut flowers. The landscaping here is beautiful and will continue to be groomed, and become even more beautiful in the months and years to come by Brooke’s Fresh Cut Flower Farm; the gardens will continue to evolve to honor his legacy. This place will always honor the Lewis family’s life long restoration journey of this house and make their family proud for years to come. 

…Growing up with parents who have been fixing up old houses my entire life, my parents have always admired Judy and Marshalle’s home. I have had the privilege to go in their house, many times, and admire the beauty of their home that they have poured their lives into. My dad has said, for years, that if that home ever came available for sale, he would want to buy it and he and my mother live there. Though times have changed and my parents no longer want to live in a home this large; their desire to own this home never changed. When Mrs. Judy approached my parents last month and asked if they wanted to purchase the home, we knew it was God’s timing… When God closes one door he opens another

The “Lewis-Atkinson Home” historic mansion is located a little bit further out in the county, 3 miles further down the road from The Cornealius Properties Birdsong Chapel! Just a short ride down a winding road of beautiful field views….

The beginning of a new Era… May 24th, 2023

After the City of Goldsboro issued to us to cease and desist on what was planned to be “The Cornealius Manor” due to a city “noise ordinance”, “residential zoning”, etc... We were feeling at a loss, we did not know what would happen with the home that we had planned to make “The Cornealius Manor”… What we had planned to make “The Cornealius Manor” was the home I grew up in… A home my parents built on land that my mothers parents helped her obtain as a very young adult. The land where my parent first lived together in a trailer and my mom told my dad “We’re going to build a big house right here on this hill one day”…And they DID!

My dads dad oversaw it as if he was their “contractor”(he wasn’t), he showed up here every day while my parents worked their regular jobs and oversaw the whole thing… My parents have always hosted all the holidays for our extended family here, they threw my husband and me and an engagement party here as well as a “drive through” baby shower due to covid.. They have always hosted church, ball team, and graduation pool parties! Most recently, they hosted my Memas celebration of life service on the front lawn socially distanced, during Covid-19.. This august will mark TEN years since I moved out and went to college…

My parents began building a new smaller farm house for themselves with plans to downsize and make their old home part of our wedding venue, late last year… Though we have decided to keep the “Cornealius Manor” home in our family, it will not be a “sister” wedding venue or a bed and breakfast at all, it will remain a private residence. However, this location CAN be used for bridal portraits or engagement sessions on week days as well as FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS.. When the main property is tied up with weddings and “closed to the public”. Since weddings will not actually be occurring here, we can host photoshoots here any day.

….God had other BETTER plans!

Written by Brooke N. Freeman

Photographed by Payton Herring Photography


Introducing “WOLFRIDE” the PERFECT convertible GETAWAY CAR!


The Birdsong Chapel’s First Anniversary