Our Family Heirloom

Every time my dad drives a bride from the Honeymoon House to the Birdsong Chapel, tears fill my eyes and I am overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude. We get to do this together! 

My father’s maternal grandparents, who were his “favorite people in the world”, were the original owners of the Model A in my family. 

My dad has told me stories for years about how his grandparents prayed for him as a child and young adult. He always wanted to go to their house because they loved him so well; he always had fun and felt safe there. 

That’s exactly how I want The Cornealius Properties to feel to our extended community… a place where you have a good time, and feel loved and safe! 

Though I never got to meet my great-grandparents, I was close to my grandmother, their daughter. I know all three of their spirits live on at The Cornealius Properties through this classic car, more specifically every time it pulls up to the beautiful Birdsong Chapel.

They would not believe this place!!! But they would love it and definitely take credit for it! Ha. 

Eventually, my mother and father became the owners of the car and completely restored it in the early days of their relationship. They were in a car club for the first few years of their marriage and trailered this car to shows all over NC! It’s a 1st place-winner in many categories! 

Growing up, this car was our family’s “holiday ride”. My parents, sister, and I would ride in it to church. Sis and I always thought it was the coolest because we didn’t have to wear seatbelts to church (ha!). We dressed fancy when we rode in it and wore cute hats and gloves. Mom always took lots of photos! 

This car has continued to be a part of fun times as I have grown up. My mother and father, sister, and I have all driven off on our wedding days in this car. Before The Cornealius Properties existed, friends in the community and from our church used it as well. We’ve already had so many Cornealius Properties brides include it on their big day too! This car is just SPECIAL! 

A little more history on the car… It was purchased in used condition from the Hollowell Family. Rodney Hollowell arranged for his aunt and uncle to sell the car to my great grandfather, James Patrick Best for $50.00. Yes, fifty dollars. 

It was not used by my great-grandparents as their family car, but rather as a farming vehicle! My great granddaddy was a hog farmer. I remember my dad telling me stories growing up that if there was ever something he needed, his granddaddy would sell a hog for him. 

Many years later, his wife (my great grandmother) purchased a class ring for my dad from ECU when he got his bachelor’s degree. He wears it to this day. I think it means something more to him just because she got it for him. Likewise, the car is more valuable to my family not just because it’s a classic and so fun to include in wedding day photos, but mostly because it was theirs. It’s our family’s heirloom. 

George Hollowell told my dad recently that his aunt and uncle, (the people who sold the car to our family) always used it as their primary car back in the 60s! They would park it in the front yard under the oak tree at the house that our friends Will and Allie live in now! Back then, that was how George could tell if they were home or not! 

My dad has said, “I remember when my grandfather purchased it, the canvas roof was totally missing and you could see the sky when sitting in it.” Like a convertible! 

Today my dad says he wouldn’t take a hundred thousand dollars for our Model A, BUT you can rent it for a brief drive on your wedding day at The Cornealius Properties!

- Brooke Freeman, Co-Owner of The Cornealius Properties


What Sets Us Apart


Citrus Styled Shoot